Happy new year everybody. 2024 start in a very good way for us. Our label, Down at the nightclub records is gonna relase our live in Hollywoord album on cassette. How cool is that? It was already available on all the streaming platforms, but you can now grab a cassette at one of our shows. They did a great job on the artwork and we are very proud of it. It’s the firts release of the year but there’s gonna be more. So stay tuned!
Fatso Jetson / del-Toros 7″ Split out on the 25th of November
We already mentioned that we had some pretty BIG news to share with all of you. It was really difficult to keep our mouths shut for so long, but we did. And now we can finally scream from our rooftops that on the 25th of November our first U.S. release is a fact!!!
We are extremely excited and proud to announce that California based rawk ‘n roll label, Shaterred Platter will rekease the split 7 inch with Fatso Jetson and del-Toros!! How cool is that?
Tracklist :
Side A : Fatso Jetson : Dreamhomes
Side B : del-Toros : Die Cast
The amazing artwork is done by Jack C. Gregory
We’ll keep you posted!!