Happy new year and a new release

Happy new year everybody. 2024 start in a very good way for us. Our label, Down at the nightclub records is gonna relase our live in Hollywoord album on cassette. How cool is that?  It was already available on all the  streaming platforms, but you can now grab a cassette at one of our shows. They did a great job on the artwork and we are very proud of it. It’s the firts release of the year but there’s gonna be more. So stay tuned!

release show Gruppo di Guido

This sunday, the 24th of september, we’ll be celebrating the release of Guido his new solo album Bright Moods for Troubled Sould in de Onderbroek in Nijmegen. We’ll be joining him on stage and play both songs from his album and brand new del-Toros stuff. Come over, have drink and check us out on stage again after an absence of almost 4 years!!!  



Gruppo Di Guido

Bright Moods For Troubled Souls is the new solo release by our guitarslinger Guido. If you like del-Toros you’ll love this. We’ll be playing songs from this album on the release shows in Nijmegen en Bergen. And also some brand new del-Toros stuff.
Stay tuned…

Great evening at de Kamer, Zaandam

Yesterday Guido played a show with Mario Lalli & The Rubber Snake Charmers. It was a blast. Great evening. Great place too. For all of you who missed this great evening, here is a picure


This Saturday

This saturday, the 10th of June, Guido will perform with Mario Lalli & The Rubber Snake Charmers feat. Sean Wheeler at De Kamer in Zaandam. This will be rad, don’t miss it


Last rehearsal before recording

Yesterday we had our last, bloody hot, rehearsal, before entering the studio this monday to record a couple of new songs. We are gonna record three songs, one already for our upcoming album (which we gonna record somewhere in 2023 and the other two we will release as a single. We’re not sure of the medium yet. We’ll keep you posted on that one. 

Anyhow, it’s the first time we will record songs as a four piece. Dylan who already helped us out live a lot, is a full time member of del-Toros. So that wil be a blast. Can’t wait to reelase the new songs. Stay tuned

Planet Surf to Earth…..

What can we say? It’s been very, very quiet on Planet Surf where del-Toros live. Obvious that almost everything is due to Covid-19.  But we have bought some beautiful Tiki’s, as you can see om the photos’s. . They are handmade by Patrick van Graafeiland. He’s an artis from our hometown. Besides that, we have written 12 brand new songs.   It’s even more than an album.
But at the moment 3 of us are playing with Dikke Dennis en de Røckers. So we’re finally on stage again and in October we are recording new stuff with that band. After that the 4 of us will get together and we will work on our new album which will be released somewhere in 2022…..And maybe we do a single first. Anyway, we will try to update you more than we did over the last couple of months. Greetings from Planet Surf….
