Fatso Jetson / del-Toros 7″ Split out on the 25th of November

We already mentioned that we had some pretty BIG news to share with all of you. It was really difficult to keep our mouths shut for so long, but we did. And now we can finally scream from our rooftops that on the 25th of November our first U.S. release is a fact!!!

We are extremely excited and proud to announce that California based rawk ‘n roll label, Shaterred Platter will rekease the split 7 inch with Fatso Jetson and del-Toros!!  How cool is that?

Tracklist :

Side A : Fatso Jetson : Dreamhomes

Side B : del-Toros : Die Cast

The amazing artwork is done by Jack C. Gregory

We’ll keep you posted!!



New stickers have arrived

Yesterday a box with our brand new stickers arrived @ del-Toros headquarters. New fresh logo as always designed by Rob Byronix. We are sure that our illegal streetteam will stick them everywhere in our hometown.

Nice poster of our next show

Nice poster of our next show, made by Xandra of Gulper. Gulper is a pretty cool band from our Hometown Alkmaar. Stoner, blues and psychedelica. Here’s their website It’s gonna be a great night. We are opening and it’s the first show after some months in the studio working on our new set. Hope to see you all!!